Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I am SO SICK of seeing this everywhere!
Q. How much weight will I lose if I fast?

A. On average, a typical faster loses approximately one pound per day during a water-only fast. Initially, the loss may approach two or even three pounds per day for the first few days if the person is retaining significant sodium and water. This can decrease to approximately half a pound per day in the later stages of a fast. From day two onward, the body begins utilizing fatty tissues for energy, thereby conserving as much muscle tissue as possible, a mechanism called protein sparing.
Q. What is the difference between water fasting and juice fasting?

A. During a water fast, only water is consumed. During a juice fast, any variety of fruit and vegetable juices are consumed.

People detoxify and heal more quickly with a water fast than with a juice fast. This is because with a water fast, your digestive passageway and organs are able to rest completely, allowing for all of your energy to be used for cleansing and repair of damaged tissues. With a juice fast or a cleansing diet of fruits and vegetables, your body must use energy to digest nutrients, leaving less available energy for detoxification and healing. When a person's health condition is related to a weak or damaged digestive system, recovery may depend on fully resting the digestive passageway and organs through water fasting.

Another significant difference is that more fat tissue is burned during a water fast, as your body must rely exclusively on fat reserves to supply its energy needs after the first 1-3 days of water fasting. Your body stores the bulk of incoming toxins in your fat reserves. As these reserves are burned for energy during a fast, any stored toxins will be released into your circulation, to be eliminated through various eliminative channels like your urine and respiratory tract. This mechanism of detoxification also occurs with juice fasting, but at a slower pace.

All of this considered, both types of fasting can be used with effectiveness, depending on your circumstances and goals. If your situation and goals include wanting or needing to make significant gains in your health in a short period of time, water fasting may be the best route. If a person has a long history of taking extremely toxic drugs like certain chemotherapeutic agents, an intense period of detoxification through water fasting can cause damage to the kidneys. In this type of circumstance, juice fasting or a simple diet of organic vegetables and fruits may be the best first step to recovery.

Finally, a water fast is most effective when you are able to get a lot of physical and emotional rest. If your life circumstances don't allow this, juice fasting is a better choice.
To lose muscle on a water fast, you would need to go 40 days or longer with no food! Because that is considered the starving point, in which your body switches over to eat the protein (since most of the fat is gone)!

BTW, check that page out if you're considering fasting. It's interesting.

"Just eat like a normal person,"

Sometimes I just sit down and think, "You can eat, you know. You can eat and it will be okay. Just don't over-eat and everything will be fine. You can eat and you can be happy and healthy and everything will be fine. Just eat like a normal person."
The problem is, when I think about this, I get scared. I don't want to end up 'trading' this disorder for bed or coe, you know? I mean, I'd rather be stuck with this and be too thin then end up having binge disorder and getting too fat.

But sometimes, I want to eat. I just can't. It's so much easier to just ignore food. To just hide from it and pretend it's never there.

"Just eat like a normal person."